Books like veronika decides to die
Books like veronika decides to die

What does it mean to be insane? In this book I believe being insane meant daring to be different- diverging from what society deems to be the right and normal thing. To be specific I thought taking the pills with beer would be a great way to go. I laughed when I read this because 1) what a cliche, and 2) I have ruminated on this exact way to go years ago.

books like veronika decides to die

Veronika tried to take her own life by downing bottles of sleeping pills. Reading through the pages felt heavy in the beginning. To be honest I wasn’t drawn to it during the first few chapters, perhaps because of the theme of the book being death and mental health. Picking it up during my reading time and before bed. I read Veronika Decides To Die in a span of five days. What made her take her life, you might ask? And why would she do such a thing if she isn’t insane? Well what does it really mean to be insane? A beautiful young woman with a life ahead of her. To be fair, she is a fully-functioning member of the society. She never really thought of herself as insane. All of whom despite her resistance, she’s developed meaningful connections with. Someone who suffered from panic attack, another from depression, and another from schizophrenia. In Villete she’s met all different kinds of ‘insane’ people.

books like veronika decides to die

Her diagnosis being that she’ll live up to a week due to her heart condition caused by the drug overdose when she attempted to take her own life. She was then admitted to a mental institution called Villete where she spent her remaining days. The story revolves around a girl, Veronika, who attempted suicide but failed.

Books like veronika decides to die